
Analytic App and Web Dashboard

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Reporting at your fingertips

The Dashboard is the first screen that you will see after logging in to your PaidPOS Services account. It is intuitively designed to display the sales data graphically and through a charts. Once you land on the dashboard page, the 7 Days Sales and Sales by Category data will auto-populate on your screen.

  • Access Analytics on iPhone and Android.
  • View 30-day aging reports.
  • View payment statuses.
  • Display detailed invoice details on the fly.
Get Started Now
Cloud Based

Powerful cloud-based payment terminal to sell your products in-store & on-the-go.

Low Stock Alerts

Prevent overselling with Quantic: pop-ups restrict low-stock sales to avoid negative inventory.

Generate & Track SKUs

Managing your inventory can be a challenge. That’s why Quantic POS allows you to generate and track unique SKUs on your products.

Fully Featured Point-of-Sale

Turn your visitors into customers for life

Robust and User-Friendly
We provide feature-rich solutions for every industry
Intuitive interface

Easy to use menu and inventory management.

Flexible options

Customize your service to fit your needs.

Cutting-edge technology

Options to meet any challenge and put you in control of your payments.

Enterprise Security

Peace of mind knowing your business is secure.

Gearing your company through an Innovative strategy